Planning, Assessment, PD
This year is a "sandpit" play with Digital Technologies (eLearning) and ways of implementing.
From the Technology action plan:
Define the goals of what is expected to be achieved in 2020 as far as implementing Digital Technology into our classroom programmes (refer to e-Learning Action Plan).
Regular meetings with WG to discuss issues and next steps.
WG to liaise with outside resources when necessary.
BC to include Digital Technology when examining the school wide coverage of Technology.
Examine other models and look for next steps for 2021.
See also the Topics page for the activities planning slideshows.
Use the timetable below to book extra sessions with Warren (either personal PD or class digital technologies support). Available slots are marks as "Bookable Time" in yellow.
Priorities for training as indicated by staff survey, policies and new staff needs:
Google classroom
Remote Desktop
Online Encyclopaedias
Google Forms
Spelling City
Google Sheets
Password Manager
Two Factor Authentication
Quick Keys
Documents below are Planning and Topic planning for Integrating Digital Technology in the school. Documents without public sharing permissions are internal to Medbury School only.
Planning Resources to Think Through at a pupil and teacher level: